Crown-Root Angle Measurement in Permanent Central Incisors
Medición del Ángulo Corono Radicular en Incisivos Centrales Permanentes
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print); 17 (1), 2023
Publication year: 2023
The anatomical variations of teeth are directly related to the esthetics achieved in orthodontic treatment. These variations include the dental axes, such as the long crown axis and the long root axis. For this reason, these axes and the angle formed by their intersection, or crown-root angle, have been studied using several methodologies, mainly in central incisors. This study aimed to propose the visual- spatial processing as a method to determine the long crown axis and the long root axis, and thus measure the angle between these axes (crown-root angle) in the permanent upper and lower central incisors. The study had a quantitative, descriptive, observational and cross- sectional approach. The study sample consisted of 100 Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images: 50 of permanent upper central incisors and 50 of permanent lower central incisors. The crown-root angle was measured considering the long crown axis and the long root axis. The mean crown root angle in the upper central incisors was 21.34 °, with a standard deviation (SD) of 4.41º; for the lower central incisors, the mean value was 20.05º with a SD of 4.18º. This study suggests that the visual-spatial processing can be a valid method to determine the long crown axis and the long root axis, also with the advantage of not requiring specific instruments and anatomical reference points, which simplifies the tracing of axes and thus measurement of the crown-root angle.
Las variaciones anatómicas de los dientes tienen directa relación con la estética lograda en el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Dentro de estas variaciones se encuentran los ejes dentarios, como el eje mayor de la corona y el eje mayor radicular. Por esta razón, se ha estudiado mediante diversas metodologías estos ejes y el ángulo formado por dicha intersección o ángulo corono radicular, principalmente en los incisivos centrales. El objetivo del presente estudio es plantear la percepción viso espacial como método para determinar el eje mayor de la corona y el eje mayor radicular, y así medir el ángulo entre estos ejes (ángulo corono radicular) en los incisivos centrales superiores e inferiores definitivos. La investigación es de enfoque cuan- titativo, descriptivo, observacional y transversal.