Primer reporte de una cirugía ortopédica en Cienfuegos, historia de un caso del siglo XIX
First Report Of An Orthopedic Surgery In Cienfuegos, History Of A Case Of The XIX Century

Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol; 36 (3), 2022
Publication year: 2022

En el trabajo se describe una desarticulación escápulo-humeral y probablemente la primera cirugía ortopédica realizada en Cienfuegos. La operación fue dirigida por Luis Perna de Salomó en un período con grandes avances en la rama de la medicina. En el estudio se emplean métodos de la investigación histórica como el heurístico, para la búsqueda de información documental relacionada con el suceso; el histórico-lógico, junto al inductivo-deductivo y el analítico-sintético, entre otros. Esta intervención quirúrgica fue de relevancia local por el alto nivel científico que precisaba su ejecución y confirma la necesidad de estudiar las técnicas y prácticas médicas empleadas en Cienfuegos durante el siglo XIX(CU)

The paper describes the performance of what was probably the first orthopedic surgery in Cienfuegos:

a scapulo-humeral disarticulation. The surgery was performed by a group of doctors headed by Luis Perna de Salomó, in a period in which great advances were taking place in the branch of medicine. In this study, historical research methods are used, such as the heuristic -in search of locating primary and secondary documentary information related to the event-, the historical-logical, together with the inductive-deductive and the analytical-synthetic, among others. The surgical intervention carried out, due to its local relevance and the high scientific level that needed to be mastered to perform it, evidences the need to study the medical techniques and practices used in Cienfuegos on that date, which, as can be seen, were at the height of those carried out in the capital of the island. Due to the local relevance it had, and the high scientific level that needed to be mastered to perform it, this surgical intervention evidences the need to study the medical techniques and practices used in Cienfuegos on that date, which, as can be seen, were at the height of those made in the capital of the island(CU)

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