Effect of aerobic exercise training on EEG: event-related potential and neuropsychological functions in depressed elderly with mild cognitive impairment
Efeito do treinamento de exercício aeróbio no EEG: potencial relacionado a eventos e funções neuropsicológicas em idosos deprimidos com comprometimento cognitivo leve
Dement. Neuropsychol. (Online); 17 (), 2023
Publication year: 2023
ABSTRACT. Increased depressive severity has been linked to neurocognitive impairment. Aerobic exercise (AE) is an efficient technique for improving cognitive function. However, studies indicating the importance of AE to neurophysiological and neuropsychological functions in the depressed elderly using event-related potentials (ERPs) are scarce.
This study aimed to identify the potential benefits of AE on neurophysiological and neuropsychological functions.Methods:
A total of 30 depressed older adults (AE group: n=15; control group (CG): n=14) were recruited based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The AE group was subjected to an 8-week-period AE program (3 times/week for 30 min per session) at moderate intensity, determined using heart rate maximum (HRmax). The training intensity was set at 50% HRmax and increased by 5% in subsequent weeks. Pre- and post-training measures for neurophysiological function were tested using ERP-P300 (amplitude-μV and latency-ms) and also for neuropsychological functions using the trail making test (TMT), mini mental status examination (MMSE), and everyday cognition questionnaire (ECog).Results:
In the experimental group, statistically significant improvements were observed when analyzed for all 3 (group-by-time interaction effect, main effect of time, and main effect of group), in both neurophysiological functions (*p<0.001) and neuropsychological functions (*p<0.001), except for ECog scores, where the results were insignificant for the main effect of a group. Correlation analysis demonstrated no association between neurophysiological and neuropsychological functions (*p>0.05).Conclusion:
Findings showed that 8 weeks of AE training may be a promising approach to improve cognitive functions in depressed older adults. However, considering relatively small number of patients, the question arises for effectiveness in other populations.
RESUMO. O aumento da gravidade de quadros de depressão tem sido associado a comprometimento neurocognitivo. O exercício aeróbico (EA) é uma técnica eficiente para melhorar a função cognitiva. No entanto, estudos sugerindo a importância de EA para funções neurofisiológicas e neuropsicológicas usando potenciais relacionados a eventos (PRE) em idosos deprimidos são escassos.