Qué nos depara a los humanos la ciencia médica? Una mirada futurista
What does medical science hold for humans? A futuristic look

Rev. Soc. Colomb. Oftalmol; 53 (2), 2020
Publication year: 2020

Desde las primera civilizaciones, son muchos los avances tecnológicos que apuntan a mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de los humanos, y como oft almólogo hago alusión a las primeras referencias sobre hechos oft almológicos que se remontan a 3.500 años a.C., cuando ya los egipcios producían ojos artifi ciales con metal o piedras para sus momias y estatuas, y entre sus deidades se identifi có a Duau, dios de los oft almólogos, y a Mechenti-Irti, dios de la ceguera. En la pirámide de Giza, en 1920, se descubrió una estatua que representa a un oculista.
Since the first civilizations, there have been many technological technological advances aimed at improving the health and quality of human and quality of life of humans, and as an ophthalmologist, I allude to the I allude to the first references to ophthalmological oftmological facts that date back to 3,500 years B.C., when the Egyptians were already producing artifi cial eyes with metal or stones with metal or stones for their mummies and statues, and among their among their deities Duau, god of the ophthalmologists, and M. oft almologists, and Mechenti-Irti, god of blindness, were identified among their deities. At the pyramid of Giza, in 1920, a statue was discovered representing an oculist. representing an oculist was discovered in the pyramid of Giza in 1920.

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