Imagen de Flúter Atrial en una Paciente con Marcapasos Bicameral: ¿Cuál es el Mecanismo?
Atrial Flutter in a Patient with a Two-chamber Pacemaker. What is the mechanism?

Rev. costarric. cardiol; 19 (1-2), 2017
Publication year: 2017

Se presenta el caso de una paciente portadora de un marcapasos bicameral implantado por enfermedad del nodo sinusal. En su primer control postoperatorio presentó un electrocardiograma sugestivo de flúter atrial. Se discuten los mecanismos posibles que resultan de la interacción entre el ritmo propio del paciente y la función del marcapasos y sus manifes taciones electrocardiográficas.
Atrial Flutter in a Patient with a Two-chamber Pacemaker. What is the mechanism? We present the case of a female patient patient in whom a dual-chamber pacemaker was implanted due to sick sinus syndrome. During her first postoperative follow-up visit, her electrocardiogram showed an atrial flutter pattern. The mechanisms of interaction between the patient´s intrinsic rhythm and the pacemaker functions as well as the main electrocardiographic findings are discussed.

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