Risk of bias in dentistry-related randomized controlled trials in spanish language journals

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print); 16 (2), 2023
Publication year: 2023


To assess the risk of bias (RoB) of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in dental journals in the Spanish language.


A systematic retrospective survey was conducted of all RCTs published from 1980 to 2019 in dentistry Spanish and Latin American journals. We extracted data and performed RoB assessments using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.


292 RCTs published in 51 journals were included. The best-rated domains were incomplete outcome data, selective reporting, and other biases. The domains assessed with higher proportions of an unclear or high risk of bias were sequence generation, allocation concealment, and blinding of outcome assessment. There is a low proportion of RCTs published in Spanish language journals. However, the number has been increasing over the years, and the low risk of bias assessment rates across domains show an increasing trend.


A low percentage of Spanish-language dental journals issue RCTs. Our assessment of these RCTs' RoB suggests higher difficulties in the design and conduction phase than in the posterior reporting stage.

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