Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers for Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Lip Asymmetries and Deformities
Rellenos Dérmicos de Ácido Hialurónico para el Tratamiento de Asimetrías y Deformidades Labiales Congénitas y Adquiridas
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print); 17 (4), 2023
Publication year: 2023
Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers are widely used in aesthetic treatments for facial and lip modeling. Despite HA fillers has largely known to be use in procedures for augmentation the lip volume, their application to management lip abnormalities is not widespread. This study reviewed the use of HA fillers for reconstruction of congenital and acquired li p asymmetries and deformities, searching to expand knowledge about this treatment modality. To undertake this narrative review, the Medline-Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, Google Schoolar e Lillacs databases were searched.
Several studies have reported positive results in the use of HA fillers for the treatment of lip deformities caused by different factors such as:
Insatisfactory dermal fillers, permanent lip implants, excision of lip carcinoma, post-operative scars and electrical burns. HA fillers are also an alternative for the management of lip asymmetries and residual surgical scars in patients with cleft lip. Moreover, injection of HA fillers in individuals with facial paralysis and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy can also improve lip incompetence. Additionally, HA fillers can be used as a complementary treatment in cases of severe malocclusion associated with skeletal changes, helping to maintain the seal and refine the lip appearance. Therefore, HA fillers can be used as alternative treatment for several types of congenital and acquired lip deformities and asymmetries. However, it is necessary to carry out randomized clinical trials with a greater number of patients and follow-up time, in order to investigate the benefits of the HA fillers for carriers patients of lip abnormalities.
Los rellenos dérmicos de ácido hialurónico (AH) son muy utilizados en tratamientos estéticos para el modelado facial y de labios. A pesar de que se sabe en gran medida que los rellenos de HA se utilizan en procedimientos para aumentar el volumen de los labios, su aplicación para el tratamiento de anomalías labiales no está muy extendida. Este estudio revisó el uso de rellenos de HA para la reconstrucción de asimetrías y deformidades labiales congénitas y adquiridas, buscando ampliar el conocimiento sobre esta modalidad de tratamiento. Para realizar esta revisión narrativa, se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos Medline-Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, Google Schoolar y Lillacs.