El ligamento anterolateral de la rodilla, reflexiones más allá de su existencia
The anterolateral ligament of the knee, reflections beyond its existence
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol; 36 (3), 2022
Publication year: 2022
Todosrecordamoslostitulareshaceunosa ̃nosderevistasnomédicas,noticierosyperiódicos,anunciandoeldescu-brimientodeunligamento;yesquenotodoslosdíassedescubreunnuevoligamentoenlarodilla.Sinembargo,asífuecomosepopularizóelligamentoanterolateralini-cialmenteysedesencadenótambiénunaexplosióndeinvestigaciónypublicacionesacercadesuanatomía,apa-rienciaenresonanciamagnética,biomecánicaytécnicasparasureconstrucción.Dostemashansidodeinterésparticular.Elprimero,esacercadelaexistenciadedicholigamento.Conpublica-cionesenunoyotrosentido,sehaconformadoungrupoquedefiendesuexistencia,yasímismo,quienesconside-ranquemásqueunligamentoloquehayesunconjuntodeestructurasanterolateralesqueseencargandedichafunción1,2.Enmiconceptoesunadiscusiónfútil.Enreali-dad,lofundamentalesentenderelroldelasestructurasanterolaterales,cuándohayquereconstruirlasyporquérazonessedeberíahacer
We all remember the headlines a few years ago in non-medical magazines, newscasts and newspapers, announcing the discovery of a ligament; and that it is not every day that a new ligament is discovered in the knee. However, this is how the anterolateral ligament initially became popular and also triggered an explosion of research and publications about its anatomy, appearance in magnetic resonance, biomechanics and techniques for its construction. Two topics have been of particular interest. The first, is about the existence of said ligament. With publications in both directions, a group has been formed that defends its existence, and likewise, who considers that more than a ligament what there is is a set of anterolateral structures that are responsible for said function1,2. In my concept is a futile discussion. In reality, the fundamental thing is to understand the role of the anterolateral structures When should they be rebuilt and why should they be done?