Extensor digitorum brevis manus, un diagnóstico diferencial
Extensor Digitorum Brevis Manus, a differential diagnosis
Rev. Asoc. Argent. Ortop. Traumatol; 89 (4), 2024
Publication year: 2024
El músculo extensor digitorum brevis manus es una variante de los extensores de la mano. Se trata de un músculo supernumerario en el dorso de la muñeca ubicado en el cuarto compartimento extensor. Suele ser asintomático, pero ocasionalmente se presenta como una masa dolorosa; en estos casos, está indicado el tratamiento quirúrgico que consiste en la resección del músculo o la liberación del retináculo extensor del cuarto compartimento. Presentamos a una paciente de 30 años, con una masa dolorosa en el dorso de la mano izquierda. Según las evaluaciones clínica y ecográfica, se sospechó un ganglión y se programó la resección quirúrgica. En la cirugía, se encontró tejido muscular compatible clínicamente con el extensor digitorum brevis manus, y se liberó el retináculo extensor. Los estudios publicados sobre su incidencia y prevalencia son escasos y, en su mayoría, se trata de informes post mortem, por lo que este caso presentado reviste particular interés.
Nivel de Evidencia:
The extensor digitorum brevis manus muscle is a variant of the hand extensors. It is a supernumerary muscle on the dorsum of the wrist, located in the fourth extensor compartment. It is usually asymptomatic, but when it causes discomfort, it manifests as a painful mass. When it is symptomatic, surgical treatment is recommended, which may include muscle excision or extensor retinaculum release. We present a 30-year-old patient with a painful mass on the dorsum of the left hand; clinically, a ganglion was suspected and scheduled for surgical resection. She underwent surgery and was diagnosed with symptomatic EDBM, which was treated with extensor retinaculum release. EDBM was found incidentally in a cadaveric dissection; therefore, its true incidence is unknown. EDBM originates in the wrist joint capsule, below the dorsal radiocarpal ligament; its distal insertion is the ulnar side of the extensor mechanism in the metacarpophalangeal joint where it is present. Innervated by the posterior interosseous, research has shown that its purpose is to extend and deviate the finger towards the side where it is inserted. This case is particularly interesting given the scarcity of information on its incidence and prevalence, with the majority of that information coming from postmortem reports.