Cárie dentária e fatores associados entre adolescentes no norte do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil: uma análise hierarquizada
Tooth decay and associated factors among adolescents in the north of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil: a hierarchical analysis

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.); 20 (11), 2015
Publication year: 2015

Estudo transversal de base populacional (n = 763), realizado na região norte do estado de Minas Gerais, que objetivou investigar a prevalência de cárie dentária entre adolescentes e identificar seus potenciais determinantes. Adotou-se amostragem probabilística por conglomerado em múltiplos estágios. Profissionais treinados e calibrados realizaram os exames intrabucais e entrevistas nos domicílios. Foi utilizado modelo de regressão logística para identificar os fatores associados à cárie dentária. As prevalências de cárie dentária, dente cariado, restaurado e perdido foram 71,3%, 36,5%, 55,6% e 16,%, respectivamente. Observaram-se as seguintes médias: índice CPOD (3,4 dentes), número de dentes cariados (0,8 dente), restaurados (2,4 dentes) e perdidos (0,2 dente). As chances de cárie foram maiores em adolescentes que se autodeclararam negro/índio/pardo (OR = 1,6), moravam em domicílios com maior aglomeração (OR = 2,4), não fizeram visitas regulares ao dentista ou nunca foram ao dentista (OR = 1,9), utilizaram os serviços públicos ou filantrópicos (OR = 1,8), possuíam hábitos tabagistas (OR = 4,1), consumiam bebida alcoólica (OR = 1,8), que autoperceberam negativamente sua saúde bucal (OR = 5,9 e OR = 1,9) e sentiram dor nos dentes nos últimos seis meses (OR = 2,0).
This is a cross-sectional population-based study (n = 763) conducted in the north of the State of Minas Gerais, which aimed to investigate the prevalence of tooth decay among adolescents and to identify the potential determinants of same. Probability sampling by conglomerates in multiple stages was used. Trained and calibrated professionals performed the data collection by means of intraoral examination and interviews in the previously selected households. In the analysis of the determinant factor for the presence of tooth decay, hierarchical binary logistic regression models were used. The prevalence of tooth decay, decayed, missing and filled teeth were 71.3%, 36.5%, 55.6% and 16%, respectively.

The following averages were observed:

DMFT (3.4 teeth), number of decayed (0.8 teeth), restored (2.4 teeth) and missing (0.2 teeth). The incidence of tooth decay was higher among adolescents who stated they were black/indigenous/brown (OR = 1.76), lived in crowded households (OR = 2.4), did not regularly visit or had never been to a dentist (OR = 1.9), used public or philanthropic services (OR = 1,8), had smoking habits (OR = 4.1), consumed alcohol (OR = 1.8), perceived their oral health negatively (OR = 5.9 and OR = 1.9) and had toothac in the last six months (OR = 2.0).

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