Diagnostico da cisticercose bovina em matadouros
Diagnostics of the bovine cystercosis at slaughterhouses

Hig. aliment; 7 (25), 1993
Publication year: 1993

The author studied the conduct of his techniqueof diapragmatic pillars examination applied systematically for cattle "post morten"inspection detectingg cysticerci. 85.674 animals wereexamined; 4.366(5,10 per cent ) were infected; 4.222 (96,7 per cent )being monocystercosis and 144 (3,30 per cent ) pluricistercosis. The proposed technique increased the efficiency of the "post mortem" examination for the Cysticercus bovis detection by 4,62 per cent (monocystercosis animals), indicating that de diaphragmatic pillars executed at killing floor easily should be mandatory

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