O Brasil no relato de viagens do comandante Robert FitzRoy do HMS Beagle, 1828-1839
Brazil in the travel journal by Captain Robert FitzRoy of the HMS Beagle, 1828-1839

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos; 21 (3), 2014
Publication year: 2014

Na década de 1830, os navios da Marinha Real britânica tinham a missão de realizar mapeamentos precisos de costas e portos, contatar governos locais e estabelecer relações comerciais e diplomáticas. Ao voltar à Inglaterra, homens como Robert FitzRoy, comandante do His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Beagle, publicaram relatos de suas expedições. Descreveram e analisaram as sociedades visitadas, comparando-as com a atuação britânica no globo. No Brasil, entusiasmaram-se com as paisagens tropicais e criticaram seus habitantes, tidos como ineficientes na exploração econômica e socialmente atrasados. Naqueles anos, a ciência acompanhou a expansão imperial britânica, e os relatos dos comandantes legitimaram discursos sobre suas práticas de dominação.
In the 1830s, the Royal Navy’s ships were charged with precisely mapping out coastlines and ports, contacting local governments, and establishing trade and diplomatic relations. On returning to Britain, men like Robert FitzRoy, captain of the His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Beagle, would publish reports on their expeditions. They described and analyzed the societies they visited and compared them with Britain’s actions around the globe. Brazil’s tropical landscapes inspired their admiration, but its inhabitants were criticized for the inefficiency of their economic explorations and social backwardness. In this period, science accompanied the expansion of the British Empire, and accounts written by ships’ captains legitimized the discourse about its practices of domination.

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