Dislipoproteinemias en diabetes mellitus
Inden; 12 (2), 1987
Publication year: 1987
Althoug Diabetes Mellitus is, by definition, a state of abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, defects in lipoprotein metabolism are a prominent feature of the diabetic syndrome. In Type I diabetic patients, hiper lipidemia may occur as the result of increased production of lipoprotein, decreased removal or a combination of both. The abnormalities in plasma lipoprotein concentration most likely to be seen in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, are an increase in VLDL-triglyceride and a decrease in HDL-cholesterol levels. Abnormalities of cholesterol on lipid metabolism often precede diabetes, vascular disease, particularly intermittent claudication is common in diabetic patients and may precede the onset of diabetes mellitus. Obesity is a powerful independent contributor to the occurrence of diabetes and the risk is related to the degree of adiposity. In clinical practice control of diabetes mellitus should be expanded to include not only the normalization of blood sugar levels, but also correction of blood lipid levels, reduction of elevated blood pressure, avoidance of cigarrettes, and correction of obesity