La salud mental vista desde la medicina social latinoamericana
Mental health as seen from the Latin-American social medicine perspective

Investig. segur. soc. salud; 11 (), 2009
Publication year: 2009


Existen nuevas comprensiones sobre salud mental que deben tomarse en cuenta e incluyen a la persona como sujeto social en un contexto sociocultural específico. Durante siglos y hasta nuestros tiempos se ha relacionado la salud mental con enfermedad, lo que ha llevado a fortalecer imaginarios sobre la locura y a sufrir un estancamiento en el desarrollo de comprensiones que permitan una mirada compleja y dinámica sobre la salud mental.


Realizar un acercamiento a la comprensión de la salud mental vista desde la medicina social latinoamericana, retomando bibliografía relacionada.


Acercamiento conceptual y análisis documental sobre posturas complejas, socioconstruccionistas, críticas, que vuelven al sujeto protagonista de la vida relacional-colectiva, además de revisar material bibliográfico relacionado con salud mental, medicina social y comprensión de sujeto.


Se propone una comprensión de la salud mental que retorne al sujeto y a su acontecer cotidiano, considerando las condiciones sociales, históricas, económicas y culturales; a la vez que se tienen en cuenta las relaciones, las conexiones y la vida cotidiana, y fomentando las voces de los colectivos.


There are new ways to understand mental health which should be taken into account, which include an individual as a social individual in a specific socio-cultural context.


For centuries, and even today, mental health has been associated with illness, which has led us to strengthen our social imaginary on madness and to a stagnation in the development of ways to understand it allowing us to have a complex and dynamic perspective on mental health.


To make an approach to the understanding of mental health as seen from the social Latin-American medicine perspective by retaking related bibliography.


A conceptual approach and documentary analysis will be made to complex socio * constructionist and critical postures, retaking the individual as the protagonist of relationalcollective life. Bibliographic material dealing with mental health, social medicine and subject comprehension is reviewed.


This study proposes a comprehension of mental health which retakes the individual and his everyday life, considering his social, historic, economic and cultural onditions. It takes into account the relations, connections and everyday life which transcend the individual and individualism, linear explanations, labeling and diagnoses enhancing the voices of collectives.

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