Identificaçäo das drogas, tinturas-mäe dinamizaçöes baixas em análise capilar atraves dos princípios ativos constantes
Pesqui. homeopática; (1), 1986
Publication year: 1986
The identification of drugs, mother tinctures and alternated dilutions is based on cappilary analysis in obedience to chromatographic techniques. By capillary analysis the differnet substances are deposited in regular intervals on a filter paper strip, resulting in a capillary spectrum. The cappilary spectrum is a composition which is characteristic for a determined tincture obtained fromplants, by height and colour of the different zones. The presence of the active principle is verified through the reagents applied on the coloured stains indicate the presence of characteristic active principlaes for each drug. The method enables to analyses qualitalively more than 30 drugs or mother tinctures that containalkaloids, glicosides and other active principales