Osteotomía desrotadora en la necrosis aséptica de la cadera
Distrotative osteotomy for the treatment of aseptic necrosis of the hip

Prensa méd. argent; 89 (2), 2002
Publication year: 2002

The aseptic necrosis of the hipo is a common pathology, that leaved to its natural evolution can originate a severe discapacity. such pathology involves the femoral epiphysis and leds to the progressive destruction, originating in its final stage, the necroarthrosis. the origin of the disease can be traumatic, secondary to a fracture of the femoral neck or to a luxation or luxofracture of the hip. The autohors present a surgical technique termed disrotative osteotomy of the femur. the results of the experience and details of the surgical procedure, are detailed

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