Body dissatisfaction among artistic gymnasticsadolescent athletes and non-athletes
Insatisfação corporal de adolescentes atletas e não atletas de ginástica artística
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum; 18 (1), 2016
Publication year: 2016
Abstract The evaluation of psychological factors can help preventing eating disorders in athletes. This study aimed to verify possible links between body dissatisfaction and media influence, perfectionism, mood and risk behavior for eating disorders and to compare the study variables among artistic gymnastics elite and non-elite athletes and non-athletes. Participants were 413 adolescents of both sexes (elite and non-elite athletes and non-athletes), aged 10-18 years (mean age 12.86 ± 1.80). BSQ, EAT-26, SATAQ-3, MPS and BRUMS were applied to evaluate body dissatisfaction, risk behavior for eating disorders, media influence, perfectionism and mood, respectively. Anthropometric data were collected to estimate body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (%BF). Descriptive statistical, comparative and correlational analyses were held. Only EAT-26 influenced BSQ in the three groups. In non-athletes, BMI, BRUMS and SATAQ-3 added explanation to the model. For non-elite athletes, %BF, media influence and mood were also predictors of body dissatisfaction. Elite athletes had lower BMI and %BF than the others. Non-athletes had lower perfectionism scores while non-elite athletes athletes had lower mood scores. It could be concluded that the risk behavior for eating disorders is the factor most strongly related to body dissatisfaction among elite and non-elite athletes and non-athletes.
Resumo A avaliação de fatores psicológicos pode auxiliar na prevenção de transtornos alimentares em atletas. Objetivou-se verificar possíveis relações entre a insatisfação corporal e influência da mídia, perfeccionismo, estado de humor e comportamento de risco para transtorno alimentar, bem como comparar as variáveis de estudo entre praticantes de ginástica artística de base e de alto rendimento e não atletas. Participaram da pesquisa 413 adolescentes de ambos os sexos (atletas de alto rendimento e de base e não atletas), com idade entre 10 e 18 (média de 12,86±1,80) anos.