Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de los aneurismas del complejo cerebral anterior-arteria comunicante anterior
Results of the surgical treatment of the aneurismas of the complex cerebral previous communicating previous-artery
Rev. cuba. cir; 40 (2), 2001
Publication year: 2001
Se realiza un estudio de 30 pacientes con aneurismas localizados en el complejo de la arteria cerebral anterior-arteria comunicante anterior (ACoA), operados en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Universitario "Arnaldo Milián Castro", durante un período de 7 años. Se analizan variables tales como edad, sexo, estado neurológico preoperatorio, momento quirúrgico, complicaciones y estado al egreso. La mortalidad general fue del 10 por ciento(AU)
The authors carried out a study in 30 patients with aneurysms located in the anterior communicating artery-anterior cerebral complex (ACA-ACC), that were operated on at the Neurosurgery Service of "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Teaching Hospital, during a period of 7 years. Variables such as age, sex, preoperative neurologic state, surgical moment, complications and status on discharge were analyzed. General mortality was 10 percent(AU)