La formación masiva de médicos como factor clave en la cobertura sanitaria universal en Cuba
Massive medical training as a key factor of universal health coverage in Cuba

Rev. cuba. salud pública; 41 (supl.1), 2015
Publication year: 2015

La formación integral de recursos humanos en salud es requisito para lograr una cobertura universal.El objetivo de este trabajo es lograr un acercamiento histórico a la correspondencia que han tenido las políticas educacionales en la Revolución con la formación de médicos y las acciones relevantes desarrolladas en la educación médica, y cómo esta ha sido un factor clave para lograr la cobertura sanitaria universal, expresada en los indicadores sanitarios de la población cubana. Se utilizó el método histórico-lógico, se efectuaron entrevistas en profundidad, revisión bibliográfica, análisis documental; se estudiaron documentos normativos, curriculares y discursos.

Se identificaron los momentos que marcaron políticas educacionales para la formación de médicos:

Reforma Universitaria, Resolución de Política Educacional del Primer Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Constitución de la República de Cuba y distintas intervenciones deFidel.

Se analizaron momentos planteados en la Reforma Universitaria sobre la formación de médicos:

las nacientes escuelas de medicina, los nuevos escenarios docentes, hechos relevantes en la formación de médicos, cifras de médicos titulados, requisitos de selección, tipo de médico a graduar con unaformación integral. Se analizaron indicadores sanitarios y la cobertura en salud. Se graduaron la cantidad necesaria de médicos con la formación integral para cumplimentar las políticas de salud,garantizar la cobertura sanitaria universal y cumplir misiones internacionalistas.Utilizar los recursos materiales y humanos del sistema de salud es una fortaleza de la educación médica cubana(AU)
The comprehensive formation of human resources for health is a requirement for universal coverage. The objective of this paper was to make a historical approach to the educational policies of the revolution related to the formation of physicians, the relevant actions taken in the medical education and how it has become a key factor to achieve universal health coverage as expressed in health indicators of the population. The historical-logical method, the in-depth interviews, the literature review and the documentary analysis were all used together with the study of regulatory and curricular documents and speeches.

The periods in which educational policies for the formation of physicians had been encouraged were identified as follows:

University Reform, Educational Policy Resolution of the First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, Constitution of the Republic of Cuba and various speeches delivered by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz. Some aspects of the University Reform about the medical training were also analyzed such as the new medical school, new teaching settings, relevant events in the medical formation, number of graduates as doctors, eligibility requirements, types of doctor to be graduated with the new comprehensive formation. Health indicators and health coverage were also examined. The required number of physicians with comprehensive training to implement the health policies, to ensure universal coverage and to accomplish internationalist missions has graduated from the medical schools. Utilizing the human and material resources of the health system is one of the strengths of the Cuban medical education(AU)

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