La organización psiquiátrica como un ente vivo
Psychiatric organization as a living entity

Rev. psiquiatr. (Santiago de Chile); 7 (2), 1990
Publication year: 1990

The Administration of the psychiatric organizations (p.O.) involves and reflects differnt theoretical perspectives and valuable attitudes. Consecuently, concepts and technologies emerge to explain and to arrange the complexity of these entities. In all these layings some phenomena are defined or described wich explicitly or implicitly are considered as objecxtive facts, clearly denoted and external tro the observer. The developed analysis proposes an epistemology to place the P. O. as the object of research and revelation rescuing its autonomous totality and including the observer in the circular cognoscitive process. The observer (any observing system) particicpates in the construction of the reality by arranging and classifying patterns of phenomena and by specifying facts.

The different phenomenological fields are delimitated:

the P. O. and its interdependency. The systematic concepts of cybernetics of first and second order are explained. A social-biological lay out through the Biology of Knowledge by Maturana and Varela is stated. In this way, it is possible to apprehend the autopoietic autonomous totality of a P. O. that is, the characteristic of a living creature (living being). The P. O. is a close and complex social organizational net; with operational closing that is shown when watching the self-corrective recurrent patterns, in a spiral of feed-back. Among many things, the concepts of simple and complex unity, structure organization, characteristics of an structurally determined system, operational closing, autom=nomy, autopoiesis, living being, "yhe living, speech are explained and applied

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