La evolución de la salud internacional en el siglo XX
The evolution of international health in the 20th century

Salud pública Méx; 33 (4), 1991
Publication year: 1991

El propósito de este artículo es describir la evolución histórica de la salud internacional en el siglo XX, el uso que se le ha dado a dicho concepto, y los éxitos, fracasos y perspectivas de esta área de la salud pública. Los autores ponen énfasis en el desarrollo de la salud internacional institucional, particularmente en el continente americano
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the historical evolution of the concept and activities that have come under the rubric of international health during its modern "formative" years in the 20th century. The analysis seeks to illuminate the changing objectives and key players, the achievements and failures, and the challenges that lie ahead The emphasis is placed on its institutional component, particularly as it relates to the countries of the American continents.

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