Infarto agudo do miocárdio em pacientes com idade inferior a 40 anos
Acute myocardial infarction in patients under 40 years old

Arq. bras. cardiol; 55 (4), 1990
Publication year: 1990


Avaliar retrospectivamente a evolução imediata e tardia de pacientes com idade igual ou inferior a 40 anos.

Casuística e Métodos:

De 1096 pacientes com 1º infarto agudo do miocárdio, internados consecutivamente entre 1973 e 1986, 73 (7%) apresentavam idade igual ou inferior a 40 anos. Foram excluídos casos secundários a outras cardiopatias, bem como os devidos a complicações de procedimentos de revascularização.


66 (90%) eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 35 (15 a 40) anos. Os fatores de risco foram tabagismo 64 (88%), hipertensão arterial sistémica 16 (22%), dislipidemia 12 (16%) e diabetes mellitus 3 (4%). Em 7 (9%) não foram observados fatores de risco. O infarto localizava-se na parede anterior em 50 (68%) e na inferior em 23 (32%). Quanto à presença da insuficiência cardíaca, pela classificação de Killip, 70 (96%) estavam nos grupos I-II e 3 (4%) nos III-IV. Dos 63 (86%) que realizaram cinecoronariografia, considerando-se como significativas lesões >70%, 38 (60%) apresentavam doença uniarterial, 12 (19%) biarterial, 6 (9%)...


To evaluate the short and long-term prognosis of a group of patients aged 40 and under, who developed an acute myocardial infarction.

Patients and Methods:

In the last 15 years we studied a group of 73 patients aged 40 and under with a confirmed diagnosis of first acute myocardial infarction. Patients with infarctions caused by coronary embolisms or to revscularization procedures were excluded.


Ninety percent were male and mean the age was 35. The most frequent risk factors observed were cigarette smoking in 64 (88%), bypertension in 16 (22%), bypercholesterolemia in 12 (16%) and diabettes in 3 (4%). Seven (9%) patients had no risk factors. The myocardial infarction was anterior em 50 (68%) cases and inferior in the remaining 23 (32%). Severe heart failure (Killip 111 and IV) was present in 3 (4%). Angiographic studies were performed in 63 (86%). Cineangiography showed critical coronary lesions (obstruction > 70% in one vessel in 38 (60%) patients, multivessel disease in 18 (28%) and 7 (12%) had normal coronary vessels. In-hospital mortality was 5% (3 patients died due to severe heart failure and 1 due to cerebro-vascular accident). The 56 survivors were followed-up to 15 years, with overall survival of 74%. Fourty-nine (71%) were assymptomatic and 7 (10%) had reccurrent chest pai. There were 7 (10%) had late deaths and follow-up was lost in 6 (9%)...

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