Conexão átrio-fascicular com condução lenta e dissociação longitudinal. Comprovação eletrofisiológica e implicaçoes clínicas
Atrio-Fascitular Connection with Slow Conduction and Longitudinal Dissociation. Electrophysiologic Evidence ond Clinical Implications

Arq. bras. cardiol; 60 (6), 1993
Publication year: 1993

We report on a patient with paroxysmal left bundle branch block-like tachycardia with electrophysiologic findings suggestive of nodoventricular pathway (ventricular pre-excitation dependent on slowing of AV conduction, and accessory pathway with exclusive anterograde conduction). There was no pre-excitation during sinus rhythm but it was brought on by intravenous verapamil. Atrioventricular node conduction curves showed no signs of duality.

Diagnosis of an atriofascicular pathway with decremental properties was based on the following findings:

1) absence of AV dissociation during reciprocating tachycardia; 2) absence of fusion beats or narrowing QRS complexes during tachycardia; 3) advancement of right ventricular activation with late atrial extrastimuli delivered during antidromic tachycardia at a time of low right atrium refractoriness; 4) observation that earliest ventricular endocardial electrogram during tachycardia (activation mapping) was simultaneous with the right bundle potential; 5) surgical ablation of the accessory pathway by endocardial incision at the right anterior aspect of the tricuspid ring, far away from the AV node region. Evidences showing anterograde longitudinal dissociation of the accessory pathway included cycle length alternation during tachycardia and duality of accessory pathway conduction times and refractory periods. We hypothesize that reentry occurring in such AV node-like structure could give to a pre-excited tachycardia with AV dissociation mimicking antidromic tachycardia associated with nodoventricular pathway.

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