Superficial syringe liposculture: a personal technique
; (), 1992
Publication year: 1992
"Superficial Syringe Liposculpture" - SSL allows for the treatment of localized fat deposits in patients with flaccid skin, skin irregularities, depression, cellulite and liposuction sequaelae. We have developed a special cannula - the Toledo cannula - a fork tipped needle-dissector with a single lateral hole. The tips of the fork are blunt, so as not to perforate the skin while workin in the superficial layer of fat, and the inner part of the "V" is sharp, to cut the septi or flbrous adherences. It can also suction and inject fat. This technique changes the concept that it is only possible through liposuction to alter the conditions of the deep layer of fat in young patients with good skin tone. With our development of working in the superficial layer of fat using fine cannulas, we provoke skin retraction. Now flaccid skin patients can also opt for body contour surgery. We can remodel the entire body with disposable syringes and fine cannulas, improving not only contour defects, but also superficial irregularities.