Charcot, Mitchell and Lees: neurology free thinkers and their experiences of psychoactive drugs
Charcot, Mitchell e Lees: livres-pensadores da neurologia e suas experiências com drogas psico-ativas

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (12), 2016
Publication year: 2016

ABSTRACT Three world-famous neurologists, Charcot and Mitchell, in the 19th century, and Lees, in this century, all of whom had great scientific curiosity, experimented with the psychoactive drugs hashish, mescal and yagé, respectively, in an attempt to increase their knowledge of neurological diseases and how the brain works.
RESUMO Três mundialmente famosos neurologistas, Charcot e Mitchell, no século XIX, e Lees neste século, tiveram eles mesmos, experiências com drogas psico-ativas, com haxixe, mescalina e yagé, respectivamente, demonstrando a sua intensa curiosidade científica, na tentativa de aprimorar o seu conhecimento da função cerebral e das doenças neurológicas.

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