Wake-up stroke: Clinical characteristics, sedentary lifestyle, and daytime sleepiness
Wake-up stroke: achados clínicos, sedentarismo e sonolência diurna

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.); 62 (7), 2016
Publication year: 2016

Summary Objective:

Wake-up stroke (WUS) is defined when the exact time of the beginning of the symptoms cannot be determined, for the deficits are perceived upon awakening. Sleep alterations are important risk factors for stroke and cardiovascular diseases. This study evaluates the characteristics of patients with and without WUS, the presence of daytime sleepiness, and associated risk factors.


Patients with ischemic stroke were investigated about the presence of WUS. Clinical and demographic characteristics were evaluated. Stroke severity was studied by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and the Modified Rankin Scale (MRS), and daytime sleepiness severity was studied by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).


Seventy patients (57.1% men) aged from 32 to 80 years (58.5±13.3) were studied. WUS was observed in 24.3%. Arterial hypertension (67.1%), type 2 diabetes (27.1%), and hyperlipidemia (22.8%) were frequent. Type 2 diabetes and sedentary lifestyle were more common in patients with WUS (p<0.05). Overall, mild, moderate or very few symptoms of stroke (NIHSS<5) were predominant (62.3%). Among all cases, 20% had excessive daytime sleepiness (ESS>10). No differences were found between patients with and without WUS as regards stroke severity or excessive daytime sleepiness. Patients with excessive daytime sleepiness were younger and had more sedentary lifestyle (p<0.05). Individuals with previous history of heavy drinking had more daytime sleepiness (p=0.03).


Wake-up stroke occurs in approximately 25% of stroke cases. In this study, patients with WUS had more diabetes and sedentary lifestyle. Daytime sleepiness is frequent and is associated with sedentary lifestyle and heavy drinking.

Resumo Objetivo:

wake-up stroke (WUS) define o acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) que ocorre sem horário preciso de início, pois os sintomas manifestam-se ao despertar. Alterações do sono associam-se a maior risco de AVC e doenças cardíacas. Este estudo avalia as características dos pacientes com e sem WUS, a presença de sonolência diurna e os fatores de risco associados.


pacientes com AVC isquêmico foram identificados quanto à presença de WUS. Foram avaliadas as características clínico-demográficas, a gravidade do AVC pela National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) e pela Modified Rankin Scale (MRS) e o grau de sonolência pela Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).


setenta pacientes (57,1% homens) com idade entre 32 e 80 anos (58,5±13,3) foram estudados. Wake-up stroke foi observado em 24,3% dos casos. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica (67,1%), diabetes (27,1%) e distúrbio do metabolismo lipídico (22,8%) foram frequentes. Diabetes e hábitos sedentários foram mais comuns nos casos com WUS (p<0,05). Na amostra total, 62,3% dos casos apresentavam AVC leve, moderado ou com poucos sintomas (NIHSS<5). Sonolência excessiva diurna (SED) (ESS>10) foi identificada em 20% dos pacientes. Não houve diferença entre os grupos com e sem WUS quanto à gravidade do AVC e o grau de sonolência. Pacientes com SED eram mais jovens e mais sedentários (p<0,05). Os indivíduos com etilismo tinham maior grau de sonolência (p=0,03).


wake-up stroke manifesta-se em 25% dos casos de AVC isquêmico. Neste estudo, os pacientes com WUS apresentaram mais diabetes e sedentarismo. Sonolência diurna é frequente e associa-se a hábitos sedentários e etilismo.

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