El sedentarismo es
Sedentariness is
Saúde Soc; 25 (3), 2016
Publication year: 2016
Resumen En este artículo se hizo un análisis crítico del sentido de sedentarismo/sedentario que circula en la literatura pertinente al campo de la actividad física y la salud. Destaca dos "familias" distintas de sedentarios surgidas en dos momentos históricos específicos: el sedentario "cooperiano", oriundo de los preceptos de la aptitud física difundidos en Brasil al principio de los años 1970 por Kenneth Cooper; el sedentario "agitoniano", proveniente de las recomendaciones de actividad física moderada de mediados de los años 1990, propagadas de modo más evidente en Brasil por el programa Agita São Paulo. Entre tantas acepciones posibles, prevalece la noción de que el sedentarismo es agente catalizador de muchas características "malas", una plaga silenciosa, que lentamente envenena el cuerpo y debilita el alma.
Abstract This text is a critical analysis of the construction of sedentary behavior and lifestyle, or "sedentariness," that circulates in the scientific literature pertaining to the field of physical activity and health in Brazil. It highlights two "families" of sedentary types that came into being in two specific historical moments: the "cooperian" sedentary, who derives from the precepts of physical fitness disseminated in Brazil at the beginning of the 1970s by Kenneth Cooper; the "agitonian" sedentary, who emerged in the mid-1990s out of the guidelines for moderate physical activity propagated in Brazil, most notably by the Agita São Paulo health program. Among the various possible readings of this body of scholarship is that it constructs sedentariness as a catalyst for many "negative" outcomes - it is portrayed as a silent scourge that slowly poisons the body and weakens the soul.