Bullying e fatores associados em adolescentes da Região Sudeste segundo a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar
Bullying and associated factors in adolescents in the Southeast region according to the National School-based Health Survey

Rev. bras. epidemiol. (Online); 19 (4), 2016
Publication year: 2016


Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de bullying, sob a perspectiva da vítima, em escolares da Região Sudeste e analisar sua associação com variáveis individuais e de contexto familiar.


Analisadas informações de 19.660 adolescentes da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), calculando-se associação entre bullying e variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentos de risco, saúde mental e contexto familiar. Foram realizadas análises multivariadas e efetuado cálculo odds ratio (OR), com respectivos valores de intervalo de confiança (IC95%).


A prevalência de bullying foi de 7,8% (IC95% 6,5 - 9,2). Após o ajuste, foi constatada a sua associação com: os escolares menores de 13 anos (OR = 2,40; 1,4 - 3,93) (p < 0,001); a proteção para estudantes de 14, 15 e 16 anos (p < 0,0001); o sexo masculino (OR = 1,47 IC95% 1,35 - 1,59); a cor preta (OR = 1,24 IC95% 1,11 - 1,40); a cor amarela (OR = 1,38 IC95% 1,14 - 1,6); os alunos de escola privada (OR = 1,11 IC95% 1,01 - 1,23) e os alunos que trabalham (OR = 1,30 IC95% 1,16 - 1,45). Maior escolaridade das mães mostrou-se fator protetor em todas as faixas.

Foram considerados de risco:

sentir-se sozinho (OR = 2,68 IC95% 2,45 - 2,94), ter insônia (OR = 1,95 IC95% 1,76 - 2,17), não ter amigos (OR = 1,47 IC95% 1,24 - 1,75), sofrer agressão física dos familiares (OR = 1,83 IC95% 1,66 - 2,03), faltar às aulas sem avisar aos pais (OR = 1,23 IC95% 1,12 - 1,34), além de supervisão familiar (OR = 1,14 IC95% 1,05 - 1,23). Como fator de proteção, ter bebido nos últimos 30 dias (OR = 0,88 IC95% 0,8 - 0,97).


O bullying amplia as vulnerabilidades entre escolares, o que sugere necessidade de uma abordagem intersetorial na busca de medidas para sua prevenção.


Objective: To estimate the prevalence of bullying from the perspective of victims in students from the Southeast region of Brazil and analyze its association with individual variables and family context.


Information on 19,660 adolescents from the National School-based Health Survey was analyzed, calculating the association between bullying and sociodemographic variables, risk behaviors, mental health, and family background. Multivariate analysis and the calculation of odds ratio and confidence intervals were performed.


The prevalence of bullying was 7.8% (95%CI 6.5 - 9.2). After adjustment, the following associations were observed: students with less than 13 years of age (OR = 2.40; 1.4 - 3.93); protection for those aged 14, 15, and 16 years; male gender (OR = 1.47; 95%CI 1.35 - 1.59); black color (OR = 1.24; 95%CI 1.11 - 1.40); yellow color (OR = 1.38 95%CI 1.14 - 1.6); private school students (OR = 1.11; 95%CI 1.01 - 1.23); and students who work (OR = 1.30; 95%CI 1.16 - 1.45). Higher education of the mothers was a protective factor in all groups. Risk factors considered were feeling lonely (OR = 2.68; 95%CI 2.45 - 2.94), having insomnia (OR = 1.95; 95%CI 1.76 - 2.17), having no friends (OR = 1.47; 95%CI 1.24 - 1.75), suffering physical abuse from family members (OR = 1.83; 95%CI 1.66 - 2.03), missing classes without their parents’ knowledge (OR = 1.23; 95%CI 1.12 - 1.34), as well as family supervision (OR = 1.14; 95%CI 1.05 - 1.23). To have drunk in the last 30 days (OR = 0.88 95%CI 0.8 - 0.97) was a protective factor.


Bullying increases vulnerabilities among students, which suggests the need for an intersectoral approach in order to find measures to prevent them.

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