Violence against women, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Violência contra a mulher em Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil
Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
Publication year: 2017
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with psychological, physical and sexual violence in women victims of intimate partner violence assisted in the primary care services. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study, conducted in 26 health units in Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, from March to September 2014. We interviewed 991 women aged 20-59 years. To classify the psychological, physical and sexual violence, the World Health Organization instrument on violence against women was used and a questionnaire to investigate the sociodemographic, behavioral characteristics, and the women’s family and life history was developed. The statistical analyzes used were Poisson regression, Fisher’s exact test and Chi-square. RESULTS The prevalence we observed were psychological 25.3% (95%CI 22.6–28.2); physical 9.9% (95%CI 8.1–11.9) and sexual 5.7% (95%CI 4.3–7.3). Psychological violence remained associated with education, marital status, maternal history of intimate partner violence, sexual violence in childhood and drug use, while physical assault was related to age, education, marital status and maternal history of intimate partner violence. Sexual violence occurred the most among women with low income, and victims of sexual violence in childhood. CONCLUSIONS Psychological, physical and sexual violence showed highly frequency among women assisted by primary care services. Sociodemographic and behavioral factors, personal experiences, and maternal violence influence the phenomenon.
RESUMO OBJETIVO Estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados às violências psicológica, física e sexual nas mulheres vítimas de violência perpetrada pelo parceiro íntimo atendidas nos serviços de atenção primária. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal, realizado em 26 unidades de saúde do município de Vitória, no Espírito Santo, de março a setembro de 2014. Foram entrevistadas 991 usuárias de 20 a 59 anos. Para classificar as violências psicológica, física e sexual foi utilizado o instrumento da Organização Mundial de Saúde sobre violência contra a mulher e um questionário foi elaborado para investigar as características sociodemográficas, comportamentais e de história familiar e de vida da mulher.