Aterectomia rotacional multiarterial em lesão de tronco de coronária esquerda seguida de implante de stents
Multivessel rotational atherectomy in left main coronary artery lesion followed by stent implantation

Rev. bras. cardiol. invasiva; 23 (4), 2015
Publication year: 2015

Paciente com 82 anos, portadora de múltiplas comorbidades, com angina do peito apesar de terapia medicamentosa otimizada. Submetida à coronariografia, que evidenciou doença triarterial com envolvimento do tronco da coronária esquerda e intensa calcificação das artérias coronárias. A cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica foi contraindicada, sendo encaminhada para intervenção coronária percutânea, realizada em dois tempos, com intervalo de 15 meses. Primeiramente, a coronária esquerda foi abordada, realizando-se aterectomia rotacional no tronco da coronária esquerda, artérias descendente anterior e circunflexa, com implante de cinco stents farmacológicos com sucesso. Posteriormente, a coronária direita foi tratada com aterectomia rotacional e implante de quatro stents farmacológicos, também com sucesso
A 82-year-old patient with multiple comorbidities and angina, in spite of optimal drug therapy, was submitted to coronary angiography, which showed three-vessel disease with left main coronary artery involvement and severe coronary artery calcification. Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery was contraindicated and the patient was referred for percutaneous coronary intervention, which was carried out in two stages, with a 15-month interval between them. Firstly, the left coronary artery was treated and rotational atherectomy was performed in the left main coronary artery, left anterior descending and left circumflex arteries, with successful implantation of five drug-eluting stents. Subsequently, the right coronary artery was treated with rotational atherectomy, and four drug-eluting stents were also successfully implanted

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