Relations between Dental Caries, Socioeconomic Variables and Access to Dental Services of Children from a Countryside city in the State of São Paulo, Brazil

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr; 14 (3), 2014
Publication year: 2014


To investigate the relations between the prevalence of dental caries, socioeconomic status and access to dental services of children aged 5 and 12 years, in Amparo, SPMaterial and Methods:The sample size was calculated for 5 and 12 year-old children in Amparo-SP. Children (5 years: n = 284; 12 years: n = 199) were examined by a previously calibrated team, to check dmft and DMFT according to WHO criteria. Caregivers answered questions about socioeconomic, demographic status and access to/use of dental services in the past six months. Association between outcome (caries experience) and independent variables was analyzed using the chi-square test. Variables with p value lower than or equal to 0.25 were tested in a multiple regression model (multivariate Poisson) with a statistical significance of 5%.


For the five-year-old population, the variables associated with caries experience (p <0.05) were: ethnicity (OR = 0.273 -non-white), household income (OR = 2.897 -Up to 3 minimum wages) and reason for dental care (OR = 4.511 -pain and treatment need). For 12-year-old population, only the variable income (OR = 3.073 -Up to 3 minimum wages) was significantly associated (p <0.05) in the final model for caries experience assessment.


Dental caries experience in children from the city of Amparo-SP was influenced by socioeconomic and demographic factors, especially in the 5-year-old population

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