Prevalência das desordens temporomandibulares e dores bucofaciais: um estudo piloto
Prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorders and orofacial pains: a pilot study

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr; 2 (2/3), 2002
Publication year: 2002

O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi descrever a prevalênciadas desordens temporomandibulares e dores bucofaciaisem pacientes do Centro Odontológico de Estudos e Pesquisas - COESP. Os dados foram obtidos através de prontuários de 60 pacientes com sinais e sintomas no Sistema Estomatognático. Os resultados indicaram que 22 (36,6 porcento) eram portadores de disfunções temporomandibulares (DTMs), 4 (6,76 porcento) de dores bucofaciais e 34 (56,6 porcento) apresentavam ambas patologias. A principal queixa 45 (75 porcento) foi dor de cabeça, 44 (73,3 porcento) dor facial e 15 (25 porcento) barulhos articulares sem sintomas. As frequências das queixa foram 45 (75 porcento) diarias, 12 (20 porcento) semanais e 3 (5 porcento) mensais. A automedicação foi utilizada por 50 (83,3 porcento) individuos e apenas 10 (16,6 porcento) procuraram auxílio de especialistas. Concluiu-se que as desordens temporomandibulares podem acometer individuos em qualquer idade, sendo o gênero feminino o mais predominante, e que a dor de cabeça é a queixa mais comum dentre os pacientes portadores de desordens no sistema estomatognático
The aim of this research was to describe the prevalence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and oralfacial pain in patients from COESP. The data was obtained from 60 patients' dental records, who had signs and symptoms in the stomatognatic system and who were assisted at the Centro Odontológico de Estudos e Pesquisas - COESP. The statistical analysis revealed that 22 (36.6%) patients had TMD, 4 (6.7%) of them suffered from oralfacial pain, and 34 (56.6%) had both pathologies. It was noticed that, out of the 60 patients, 51 (85%) were female and 9 (15%) were male.

Patients mainly complained of headaches:

by 45 (75%) patients; muscular pain: by 44 (73.3%) patients; and articulate clicks with no symptoms: by 15 (25%) patients.

The complains had the following frequencies:

daily, by 45 (75%) patients; weekly, by 12(20%) patients, and monthly, by 3 (5%) patients. Self-medication was noticed within 50 (83.3%) patients and 10 (16.6%) had seen many health specialists in order to resolve their problems. According to the data collected, it is concluded that there is a need for better information, assistance and treatment of the patients suffering from stomatognatic system's dysfunction.

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