Significado de salud: la vivencia del adulto mayor
Meaning of Health: The Experience of the Elderly
Significado de saúde: a vivência do idoso
Aquichan; 17 (2), 2017
Publication year: 2017
RESUMEN Durante la vejez, el significado de salud se basa en alcanzar un estado de bienestar; por ello, es importante comprender los factores que benefician o afectan el logro de este propósito.
analizar los significados de salud que los adultos mayores construyen a partir de sus vivencias y experiencias.Materiales y métodos:
investigación cualitativa con técnica de análisis de contenido y entrevista semiestructurada. Participaron veinte adultos mayores, que acudieron a un centro de atención geriátrica, seleccionados de manera intencionada y determinada por índice de saturación.Resultados:
el significado de salud se manifiesta en la capacidad de poder hacer cosas; así, la salud se concibe como un medio útil para obtener un beneficio, ya sea material, moral o físico. Los vínculos familiares son importantes, incluso los comparan con la salud; también, identifican la salud con la ausencia de dolor y enfermedad.Conclusión:
la salud del adulto mayor es vivida en contexto familiar; el bienestar es percibido como la capacidad de hacer cosas, aunque el dolor y la enfermedad estén presentes.
ABSTRACT The meaning of health during old age is based on achieving a state of well-being. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that benefit or affect accomplishing that goal.
Analyze what health means to older adults, based on their experiences.Materials and methods:
This is a qualitative study based on content analysis and semi-structured interviews. Twenty elderly adults who frequented a geriatric care center were selected intentionally and determined by means of a saturation index.Results:
The meaning of health is manifest in the ability to do things. Accordingly, health is conceived as a useful means to obtain a benefit, be it material, moral or physical. Family ties are important and were even compared to health. The participants also equated health with the absence of pain and disease.Conclusion:
Health is experienced by the elderly in a family context. Well-being is perceived as the ability to do things, even if pain and illness are present.
RESUMO Durante a velhice, o significado de saúde está baseado em atingir um estado de bem-estar; por isso, é importante compreender os fatores que beneficiam ou afetam conquistar esse propósito.