Plankton crustaceans in bays with different trophic status in Llanquihue lake (41° S Chile)
Crustáceos planctónicos crustáceo em baías com estado trófico diferente no lago Llanquihue (41° S Chile)
Braz. j. biol; 77 (3), 2017
Publication year: 2017
Abstract The Llanquihue lake is included in the called Araucanian or Nord Patagonian lakes located between 38-41° S. These lakes are characterized by their oligo-mesotrophic status due to human intervention which takes to the increase in nutrients inputs from industries and towns. Effects on zooplankton assemblages are observed with marked increase of daphnids abundance. The aim of the present study is to analyze the trophic status and zooplankton relative abundance in different bays of Llanquihue lake. It was found direct associations between chlorophyll a with daphnids percentage, total dissolved nitrogen with reactive soluble phosphorus nitrogen/phosphorus molar radio with cyclopoids percentage, and an inverse relation between daphnids and calanoids percentages.
The occurrence of three kinds of microcrustacean assemblages and environmental conditions was evidenced:
the first one with high calanoids percentage, low species number and low chlorophyll and nutrients concentration, a second with moderate chlorophyll and nutrients concentration and moderate daphnids percentage; high species number and a third site with high chlorophyll and nutrients concentration, high daphnids percentage and high species number. Daphnids increase under mesotrophic status, agree with similar results observed for southern Argentinean and New Zealand lakes.
Resumo O lago Llanquihue está incluído nos chamados lagos araucana ou Nord Patagônia localizado entre 38-41° S. Estes lagos são caracterizados pela condicao oligo-mesotrofica debido a intervencao humana, com aumento da carga de nutrientes provenientes de industrias y areas urbanas com efeitos sobre as assembleias zooplantonicas sao observadas, com aumento acentuado de dafnideos. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o estado trófico a abundancia relative do zooplancton em diferentes compartimentos do lago Llanquihue. Foram encontradas associações diretas entre clorofila a com percentual de dafinídeos, nitrogênio total dissolvido com fósforo solúvel reativo molares razao molar nitrogênio / fósforo com percentual de ciclopóides, e uma relação inversa entre percentuais de dafinídeos e calanóides porcentagens.