Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é fundamental online; 4 (2), 2012
Publication year: 2012
To articulate the nursing care concerning to medicinal plants used by the interviewees in the south of Brazil for urinary tract infections. Method:
A qualitative study of evidence based analysis. There were 31 participants from five cities in the south of Brazil. The data collection occurred between January 2009 and July 2010. Some evidences were used like the databases (Scielo, pub-med, lilacs) and books about the subject in order to associate the popular knowledge with the scientific studies integrating the nursing care. Results:
341 medicinal plants were mentioned, 41 of them used for the urinary tract infection (UTI), and 57% of the popular knowledge is compatible with scientific knowledge. For 12 plants was possible to associate some nursing care with urinary tract infections. Conclusion:
The medicinal plants are important in nursing care regarding to the UTI and thus evidencing the need for continuing education in this area. Descriptors:
Medicinal plants, Complementary therapies, Urinary tract Community, health nursing.