Abiotic factors drives floristic variations of fern's metacommunity in an Atlantic Forest remnant
Fatores abióticos regulam as variações florísticas na metacomunidade de samambaias em um remanescente de Floresta Atlântica
Braz. j. biol; 78 (4), 2018
Publication year: 2018
Abstract We analyzed floristic variations in fern's metacommunity at the local scale and their relationship with abiotic factors in an Atlantic Forest remnant of northeastern Brazil. Floristic and environmental variations were accessed on ten plots of 10 × 20 m. We performed cluster analyses, based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index to establish the floristic relationship.
The influence of abiotic factors:
luminosity, temperature, relative air humidity and relative soil moisture was evaluated from a redundancy analysis. We found 24 species belonging to 20 genera and 12 families. The fern's flora showed high floristic heterogeneity (>75% for most of the plot's associations). The fern's metacommunity was structured along an abiotic gradient modulated by temperature, luminosity, and relative soil moisture.
Resumo Analisamos as variações florísticas na metacomunidade de samambaias em escala local e sua relação com fatores abióticos em um remanescente de Floresta Atlântica no Nordeste do Brasil. Variações florísticas e ambientais foram acessadas a partir de dez parcelas de 10 × 20 m. Realizamos análises de cluster, baseado no índice de similaridade de Bray-Curtis para estabelecer relações florísticas.