Phonological analysis of substitution errors of patients with apraxia of speech
Análise fonológica dos erros de substituição de pacientes com apraxia de fala
Dement. neuropsychol; 4 (1), 2010
Publication year: 2010
Abstract The literature on apraxia of speech describes the types and characteristics of phonological errors in this disorder. In general, phonemes affected by errors are described, but the distinctive features involved have not yet been investigated.
To analyze the features involved in substitution errors produced by Brazilian-Portuguese speakers with apraxia of speech.Methods:
20 adults with apraxia of speech were assessed. Phonological analysis of the distinctive features involved in substitution type errors was carried out using the protocol for the evaluation of verbal and non-verbal apraxia.Results:
The most affected features were: voiced, continuant, high, anterior, coronal, posterior. Moreover, the mean of the substitutions of marked to markedness features was statistically greater than the markedness to marked features.Conclusions:
This study contributes toward a better characterization of the phonological errors found in apraxia of speech, thereby helping to diagnose communication disorders and the selection criteria of phonemes for rehabilitation in these patients.
Resumo A literatura sobre a apraxia de fala descreve os tipos e as características fonológicas dos erros neste distúrbio. Em geral, são descritos os fonemas acometidos pelos erros, porém os traços distintivos envolvidos ainda não foram estudados.