No meio do caminho havia um mangue: impactos socioambientais da estrada Bragança-Ajuruteua, Pará
In the middle of the road, there was a swamp: the social and environmental impacts of the Bragança-Ajuruteua highway, Pará, Brazil
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos; 25 (2), 2018
Publication year: 2018
Resumo O artigo investiga os impactos socioambientais da construção da rodovia PA-458, que aterrou 26km de manguezal entre o município de Bragança e a praia de Ajuruteua, no nordeste do Pará. Com base em documentos oficiais, jornais, fotografias e relatos orais foram analisadas as representações de políticos, moradores e mariscadores de caranguejo sobre os significados da rodovia. Conclui-se que as autoridades desconsideraram os impactos ambientais causados no manguezal e no cotidiano dos mariscadores de caranguejo, que, mesmo avaliando a estrada como positiva, são confrontados com a escassez progressiva do crustáceo e com o aumento do número de atravessadores.
Abstract The article investigates the social and environmental impacts of construction of Highway PA-458, which turned 26km of mangrove swamp into a landfill between the municipality of Bragança and Ajuruteua beach in northeastern Pará. Working with official documents, newspapers, photographs, and oral accounts, it analyzes politicians', local residents', and crab harvesters' representations of the significance of the highway. It is concluded that officials have disregarded the environmental impact both on the mangrove swamps and on the daily lives of crab harvesters. While the latter may even view the road as positive, they have been confronted with a progressively dwindling crab population and a growing number of crab dealers.