Síndrome de Cogan: descripción de un caso con respuesta parcial a tocilizumab y revisión de la literatura
Cogan's syndrome: A case report with partial response to tocilizumab and a literature review

Rev. colomb. reumatol; 25 (4), 2018
Publication year: 2018

RESUMEN El síndrome de Cogan (SC) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica, caracterizada por queratitis intersticial y síntomas vestíbulo-auditivos similares al síndrome de Meniere, acompañado o no de vasculitis sistémica. Es una enfermedad poco frecuente y su diagnóstico es difícil y a menudo tardío, lo que aumenta el riesgo de secuelas como pérdida visual o cofosis. Además, su tratamiento no está bien establecido y se basa en reportes de casos donde se ha observado la eficacia de fármacos como la ciclofosfamida, anti-TNF o tocilizumab. Presentamos un caso de SC sin respuesta a metotrexato, ciclofosfamida ni anti-TNF, y respuesta parcial a tocilizumab.
ABSTRACT Cogan's syndrome is a chronic inflammatory disease typified by interstitial keratitis and Meniere-like auditory involvement, and it can be accompanied by systemic vasculitis. It's a rare disease and its diagnosis is difficult and often late, which increases the risk of sequelae, such as visual loss or deafness. In addition, its treatment is not well-established and is based on case reports that have observed efficacy of drugs such as cyclophosphamide, anti-TNF or tocilizumab. A case of Cogan's syndrome is presented that did not respond to methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, or anti-TNF, but with a partial response to tocilizumab.

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