Seguridad de los pacientes con COVID-19 en relación con el uso de medicamentos sin evidencia científica sobre su beneficio
Safety of COVID-19 Patients and Use of Medicines without Scientific Evidence of Their Benefit, 26 May 2020

Publication year: 2020

La seguridad de las personas con COVID19 debe ser un objetivo prioritario como parte de la calidad de la atención en la prestación de servicios de salud. Al momento casi 200 opciones terapéuticas o combinaciones están siendo investigadas en más de 1.700 ensayos clínicos incluyendo la evaluación en profilaxis y sólo remdesivir ha demostrado algún beneficio, acotado a pacientes hospitalizados con ciertas características.
COVID-19 treatment options currently under study include several antiviral drugs and immune modulators, the antimalarials chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, corticosteroids, convalescent plasma, pharmaceutical products that target the renin-angiotensin system, hyperbaric oxygen, and nitric oxide, among many others. However, except for remdesivir, which underwent a clinical trial that showed some preliminary positive results, a systematic review by the Pan American Health Organization has so far failed to identify a treatment option that can effectively address the causative agent of COVID-19. The same can be said with regard to prophylaxis. PAHO and WHO are regularly publishing up-to-date summaries of available evidence on the effectiveness of these interventions.

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