Publication year: 2019
The World Health Organization (WHO)
Quality of Life Group developed a
description of ‘quality of life,’ and it
conceptualizes that quality of life is an
individual’s perception of his or her
position in life in the context of the culture
and value systems. It also depends on his
or her goals, expectations, standards, and
concerns. This is an inclusive and broad
description of well-being encompassing
social indicators, happiness, and health
status. It also captures positive aspects of
coping, resilience, satisfaction, and
autonomy, among other issues.
A United
Nations resolution in 2011 stated:
pursuit of happiness is a fundamental
human goal’. It also stresses that ‘the gross
domestic product indicator by its nature
was not designed to and did not adequately
reflect the happiness and well-being of
people in a country.’
With all the economic development and
the growth of the tourism industry, Aruba’s
social context has changed over time. The
exponential growth of migrants and
visitors to Aruba, resulted in significant
changes in the society, bringing with it
tremendous stress on the community. This
growth in our population, because of the
influx of people with different cultural
customs and values, required rapid and
more development of infrastructure,
buildings, and consequently the
destructive impact hereof on our nature
and environment.
In recent years, the government concluded
that Aruba is experiencing a social crisis.
There seems to be a decrease in mortality
and responsibility at all levels of society,
an increase of inhabitants living under
marginalized conditions due to
unemployment and cheap labor. It was also
determined that there is a weakening of the
social network of family that parents
traditionally relied on to serve as a united
front to instill good norms and values in
their children. The reinforcement of this
network should be one of the crucial
elements in combatting the social crisis.