Nonstructural seismic vulnerability evaluation method for health care facilities in Venezuela

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This paper presents the preliminary results of the first phase "Nonstructural Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation Method" of the demostrative project "Qualitative Evaluation of Health Care Facilities in La Candelaria. San Bernardino and San Jose Districts in Caracas.". The purpose of this study is to develop a qualitative evaluation method for the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of nonstructural aspects of the existing health care facilities in Venezuela. The area constituted by the mentioned district, was selected as a case study for the implementation, testing and improvement (if necessary) of the method, due to the significant concentration of this building type and the severity of seismic hazard in the zone. In the demostrative project, the evaluation method for the architectural configuration aspects, the functionality of layouts and the nonstructural components, are developed in parallel with, and as a supplement of, the structural evaluation that is being developed by ateam of structural engineers.

The information herein contained is:

(a) a brieef description of the preliminary qualitative evaluation method; (b) The description of the case study and the selection of the sample; (d)results; and (e) a list of the references

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