Publication year: 2000
Theses and dissertations in Portugués presented to the Universidade Federal de Säo Paulo. Escola Paulista de Medicina to obtain the academic title of Doutor. Leader:
This study evaluated the effect of ethanol íngestion by lactating and weaned rats on liver and brain metabolismo For this, female Wistar rats, at the first day post partwn, were kept with 4 female and 4 male pups and were divided in two groups: E - received 4 por cento ethanol liquid diet and C - received normal isocaloric liquid diet. On day 24 of life, half of the female (F) and male (M) pups were decapitated.
Half of then were divided in four groups:
MEC and FEC -received ethanol during lactation and normal diet after weaned; MCE and FCE - received normal diet during lactation and ethanol diet after weaned; MEE and FEE - received ethanol diet during the experimental period; MCC and FCC - received normal diet during experimental period. These animais were killed at 44 days of life. Body weight (g) were measured during all the experimental period. Food consumption was determinei after weaned (kcal/ 100 g of body weight). Ethanol intake, during lactation and/or after weaned, decreased body weight in male and female rats. After weaned food intake was decreased in ethanol treated rats. The relative weight (g/lOOg b. w.) of liver and brain was increased in male rats, with 44 days of life that received ethanol during lactation and/or after weaned. On the other hand, in FEE the liver relative weight was decreased and brain relative weight was increased only in FCE and FEE. Líver protein content was increased in MCE, MEE, FCE and FEE. At 24 days of life ethanol treatment decreased liver ATP citrate lyase activity in male and malic enzyme in male and female. ln female rats that received normal diet after weaned (FEC) the activities of these enzymes were normalized. Although in MEC ATP cit activity increased in liver. Liver lipogenesis rate was increased in MCE, MEE and FEE. Brain relative weight, from male and female ethanol treated rats with 24 days of life, were increased and no changes in enzyme activities were detected. At 44 days of life brain ATP cit activity were decreased in MEE and FEC and malic enzyme ín MEC, FCE and FEC. On the other hand in FEE it was observed an increase in ATP cit and malíc enzyme activities in this tíssue. Brain glucose metabolism and lactate production were studied in male and female rats with 24 or 44 days of life. For these braín slices were incubated at 37ºC ín Krebs-Henseleit buffer under carbogen, in the presence of glucose (5mM) plus l4C-glucose (O.04 mCi) with O-hydroxybutyrate or insulin...(au)