Estudo de fase II avaliando eficácia e toxicidade de UFT (uracil e tegafur) e leucovorin, administrados duas vezes ao dia, no tratamento de pacientes com câncer metastático de cólon e reto

Publication year: 2007
Theses and dissertations in Portugués presented to the Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Gastroenterologia to obtain the academic title of Doutor. Leader: D'Albuquerque, Luiz Augusto Carneiro

O desenvolvimento clínico de novos fármacos é uma tarefa bastante complexa, que requer a participação de um grande número de investigadores e instituições. A disponibilidade de fármacos ativos contra o câncer de cólon e reto avançado sempre foi limitada, e por muitos anos este foi considerado um tumor resistente ao tratamento sistêmico, sendo essencialmente incurável a partir do momento em que se detectavam metástases à distância. Entretanto, a última década testemunhou um notável progresso no tratamento desta doença, graças ao desenvolvimento de diversos novos fármacos.

Material e métodos:

Revisamos nossa contribuição ao tratamento do câncer de cólon e reto avançado, representada por 94 manuscritos indexados (Pubmed, 06/08/2007), e 82 trabalhos apresentados em congressos internacionais...


The clinical development of new drugs is a complex task that requires the participation of a large number of investigators and institutions. The availability of active drugs against advanced colorectal cancer has always been limited, and for many years this was considered a resistant tumor, which was essentially incurable once it had metastasized. However, the last decade has witnessed a remarkable progress in the treatment of this disease, thanks to the development of several new drugs.

Material e methods:

We reviewed our contribution to the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer through 94 indexed manuscripts (Pubmed, august 06, 2007), and 82 abstracts presented at International Congresses. Of those, we selected 51 publications that best represent our line of research, and our contribution to the treatment of this cancer.


We have a total of 10 drugs with proven activity against colorectal cancer. We have contributed in a substantial way for the clinical approval of two of those drugs, the oral capecitabine and the UFT, which can replace the old 5-fluorouracil with some advantages. We have also participated in the clinical development of irinotecan, oxaliplatin, bevacizumab and cetuximabe.


We have participated in the development of the majority of new drugs available for the treatment of colorectal cancer. The availability of these new drugs has changed the natural history of this tumor, and patients may now expect not only an increase in median survival, but the presence of distant metastasis is not necessarily an impediment for a treatment with curative intent.

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