Publication year: 2015
Theses and dissertations in Portugués presented to the Fundação Antônio Prudente to obtain the academic title of Doutor. Leader: Carrara-de Angelis, Elisabete
Identificar fatores que contribuem para a aspiração e o desenvolvimento de complicações pulmonares nos pacientes disfágicos após tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço (CCP) poderá contribuir para uma intervenção fonoaudiológica mais efetiva, melhorando a qualidade de vida destes indivíduos. Objetivo:
identificar fatores de risco relacionados à penetração/aspiração, pneumonia e à função pulmonar pós-tratamento e avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) de pacientes tratados do CCP. Método:
Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, realizado no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia, com pacientes com diagnóstico de CCP, sem tratamento prévio, no período de fevereiro de 2012 a maio de 2014, independentes de sexo e idade. Foram coletadas informações da evolução clínica pulmonar e possíveis fatores de risco para a penetração/aspiração: dados demográficos e clínicos, consumo de tabaco e álcool, uso de drogas que mudam o pH gástrico, HAD Escala de ansiedade e depressão hospitalar, apoio da família, adesão do paciente, índice de massa corporal (IMC), higiene oral, nível de atividade física (IPAQ) e nível de consciência (Escala de Glasgow). Os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação videofluoroscópica da deglutição, prova de função pulmonar e aplicação dos questionários de QV (UW-QOL QV da Universidade de Washington; SGRQ Questionário do Hospital Saint George na doença respiratória; MDADI Questionário de disfagia M.D. Anderson)...
To identify factors that contribute to aspiration and the development of pulmonary complications in dysphagia patients following head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment, which may contribute to a more effective SLP therapy intervention, thus improving the quality of life of these individuals. Objective:
To identify risk factors related to penetration/aspiration and pulmonary clinical outcome post-treatment, and also to assess the quality of life (QOL) of patients treated for HNC. Methods:
This was a prospective study conducted at the Head and Neck and Otorhinolaryngology Department with patients diagnosed with HNC, without prior treatment, from February 2012 to May 2014, independent of sex and age. The following information relating to pulmonary clinical outcome and possible risk factors for penetration/aspiration were collected: demographic and clinical data, tobacco and alcohol consumption, the usage of drugs that change gastric pH, HAD - Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, family support, patient adherence, body mass index (BMI), oral hygiene, level of physical activity (IPAQ) and level of consciousness (Glasgow Scale). Patients were submitted to videofluoroscopic swallowing assessment, pulmonary function test and application of QOL questionnaires (UW-QOL QV, University of Washington; SGRQ, Saint George Hospital Questionnaire; MDADI, MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory). Patients were assessed in four stages:
pretreatment, 1 to 3 months post-treatment, 6 to 9 months post-treatment and 12 to 18 months post-treatment. Results:
The study consisted of 38 patients (28 males; 73.7%), with a mean age of 60 years (27-85 years). History of aspiration pneumonia was observed in 4 patients (10.5%). About half of the patients (47.4%) were dysphagic in pretreatment...