Total: 15066

Actualidades en neurociencias
News in neurosciences

Contiene los trabajos científicos que se presentaron durante la celebración de la Semana del Residente 2001, en el que se revisaron temas de avanzada como: biología molecular de la esclerosis múltiple, etiopatogenia de la enfermedad de Parkinson, SIDA, fisiopatología de la isquemia cerebral, migraÃ...

Producción de enzimas extracelulares por bacterias aisladas de invertebrados marinos
Extracellular enzymes produced by bacteria isolated from marine invertebrates

In order to select marine bacteria with the ability to produce extracellular enzymes (EEC), samples from Argopecten purpuratus and Crassostrea gigas in cultivation as well as from other intertidal and benhic invertebrates were analyzed. The selection of producer EEC strains was carried out in Marine Agar...

El "erizo de mar" Tetrapygus niger como marcador biológico de estrés oxidativo
Sea urchin Tetrapigus niger as a biological marker of oxidative stress

In this research the sea urchin Tetrapigus Niger has been used as a model to study oxidative stress to measure the lipid peroxidation in sperman nuclei. Oxidative stress was observed in sperm nuclei with and without hydrogen peroxide, which is a good free radicals generating system....