Total: 15066

Acalasia. Manejo laparoscópico
Achalasia. Laparoscopic management

Rev. endosc. quir; 4 (6), 2000
Achalasia is a chart less frecuently in the esophagus patology. After discovering the diagnostic, it must be treated. The pharmacologic treatment has reached poor results, the employ of the dilatations and the administration of botulinical toxine goes well, but the beginning of the illness is tall. We re...

Anestesia epidural en colecistectomía laparoscópica. Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado 1997-2000
Epidural anesthesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Regional Hospital Honorio Delgado 1997-2000

Rev. endosc. quir; 4 (6), 2000
This study was performed in the Honorio Delgado Hospital (Arequipa) in an attempt to evaluate the Epidural Anesthesia as an alternative technique in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies. The anesthetic agent used was 2% Lidocaine and the site of punction chosen was the space between D8-D9 associated to a combi...

Fundoplicatura parcial. Indicaciones y técnica
Partial fundoplication. Indications and technique

Rev. endosc. quir; 4 (6), 2000
Several techniques known of partial fun doplication were developed in the experience that open surgery, the laparoscopy actually has permitted apply without mayor restrictions and with similar results. The primordial indication for the utilization of the partial fundoplication is gastroesophagus reflux w...

Calibración intraesofágica y extraesofágica transabdominal con tubo de látex durante la cirugía antirreflujo
Calibration extraesophageal intraesophageal and transabdominal tube latex for antireflux surgery

Rev. endosc. quir; 4 (6), 2000
Postoperative fundoplication dysphagia is multifactorial. The no-calibration at hiatal repair or fundoplication and the esophagus trauma transoperative with the bougie 60 Fr are another causes. With the aid a nasogastric tube 20 Fr and a latex tube 34 Fr for 20 cm, we can have a suitable calibration for ...

Torsión de apendices epiploicos. Abordaje laparoscópico
Torque epiploic appendices. Laparoscopic approach

Rev. endosc. quir; 4 (6), 2000
Epiploicae appendices can be a source of diverse pathological processes and itsdiagnosis is frequently done during an acute abdomen laparotomy. The use oflaparoscopy represents a method that allows a precise diagnosis and an effective treatment of this pathology as well. Thefollowing text describes the l...