Total: 15062

Informe sobre el desarrollo mundial 1993: Invertir en salud
World Development Report 1993: invest in health

En el presente Informe sobre el Desarrollo Mundial 1993, decimosexto de esta serie anual, se examina la interacción entre la salud humana, las políticas sanitarias y el desarrollo económico. En los tres últimos Informes, que versaron sobre el medio ambiente, las estrategias de desarrollo y la pobreza...

Evaluación de tres modelos para la estimación de la cantidad individual de veneno producida por serpientes venenosas peruanas
Evaluation of three models for the estimation of the single quantity of poison produced by poisonous peruvian serpents

Bol. Lima; 15 (87), 1993
The production of dry snake vnom statistics from the Lima Serpentarium (N.I.H. of Peru) corresnponding to the 1970-1986 period was analyzed. Three different models of linear regression were tested t estimate the quantity of venom produced by a single snake Bothrops atrox "jergón". The regression model ...

Valor nutritivo del camote, Ipomoea batatas, una muestra representativa de cultivares del Perú
Nutritional value of the yam, Ipomoea sweet-potatoes, a representative sample of you will cultivate of Peru

Bol. Lima; 15 (87), 1993
Taking 440 samples of fresh of sweet potato, dry matter and sugar reducers were evaluated. The samples showed a content of 15-44% dry matter and 0.25-22% sugar reducers. In 24 selected cuts, the total protein content was determined, and values of between 6,6 and 11,2 of dry matter. At the same time, stud...

Investigaciones sobre contaminación en agua potable en tanques y cisternas del distrito de San Isidro
Investigations on pollution in drinkable water in tanks and cisterns of San Isidro's district

Bol. Lima; 15 (87), 1993
The presence of Clostridium perringens as an indicator of faecal contamination was evaluated in drinkable water stored in dippers and reservoirs. 100 samples (50 from dippers and 50 from reservoirs) were tested, finding out presence of C. perfringens in 7 samples from reservoirs, within a value from 10 t...