Total: 15062

Aspectos etnobotánicos y morfológicos del chago, miso y mauca (mirabilis expansa R y P) en el Perú
Aspects etnobotanicos and morphologic of the chago, miso and mauca (mirabilis expansa R and P) in Peru

Bol. Lima; 15 (86), 1993
It was thought that the only specimens o chago( Mirablis expansa RP) existen in Cajamarca were those introduced by the National University of Cajamarca and the INIAA. However, at the seed fair in pariamarca in October 199, a farmer from the neighbouring area of Huayllapampa presented a sample of while ch...

Primer registro morfológico de Helisoma peruvianum (Broderip, 1832). (Pulmonata: planorbidae)
The first record morphologic of Helisoma peruvianum (Broderip, 1832). (Pulmonata: planorbidae)

Bol. Lima; 15 (85), 1993
The freshwater gastropd Helisoma peruvianum (Broderip, 1832), is described by shell and anatomic characteristic. This specy is regarded in five locaties on the Central and Northerm Coast from Peru. Some ecological data is supplied and his taxonomic position is discussed. ...