The author has worked in a flooded area in the lower Ucayali River at Jenary Herrera, near Iquitos. Between January and March, 1982 he examined a total of 506 specimens of the red-tailed "sábbalo" fish, Brycon erythropterum. He found 175 full stomachs which 75% of the time contained vegetal matter, pri...
El enigma que aún hoy constituye el problema de la psicosis posiblemente deriva de un error de plantamiento, a partir del cual toda investigación, de la índole que sea, está condenada a la esterilidad. Urge, más que otra cosa, la construcción de un paradigma, de una teoría desde la que interpretar...
Se hace el estudio retrospectivo de 5188 pacientes jóvenes (40.1 años) y crónicos (16.3 años de enfermedad), atendidos como hospitalizados en el curso de 20 años y diagnosticados de acuerdo a la ICD-9. Se analiza las peculiaridades demográficas y psiquiátricas del conjunto y de cada grupo patológ...
Se reconoce el incremento alarmante de los traumatismos encefalocraneanos, que se dan fundamentalmente en pacientes politraumatizados. Sólo el 18% de los pacientes que llegan a emergencia por TEC necesitan hospitalización en el Servicio de Neurocirugía; de éstos el 47.1% necesitó algún tipo de trat...
The author refers to the green algae, frequent in Peruvian rivers, between 2000-5000 masl. The description distribution, bromatological analysis and variety of foods preparedare are listed, the high protein content (27%) is noted....
The plant minthostachys mollis (muña) is used as medicine and preservative in Peru. The present work studies its propperties. Cultivated cellular AHH1 has been tried on humano to detect mutagenity....
In the central Peruvian the reproduction period of the toad Bufo spinulosus is limited to theyrainy perio. However, there are always reproductive and non-reproductive individuals at the same time within a population. Migration towards the breeding site took place during the night, wheres the activity du...
The authors refer to ancient graphic representations refering to the existence of the insect responsible for transmitting "uta" and "espundia", two diseases endemic too the tropical Andes and the object of study by many health organizations....
Studies carried out between 3°30'S and 10°S permit the author to offer new data on both captured and observed humpbacked. The data was derived from whales captured by the Cia. Victoria del Mar S.A. and observations by personnel of the Peruvian Marine Institute....